More than writing goes into a book, so to help you poor writer we offer you a listing of local purveyors of editing, covers, publishing, reviews, marketing, and all the rest.
Services offered are not connected to Whatcom Writers and Publishers.
Whatcom Writers
Leslie Copeland and Serena Copeland launched Copeland Edits, an editing service with quicker turnaround times and lower prices designed for the indie writer / publisher budget. We have a full range of services detailed on our web page: www.spectricity.net/copeland-edits and we can be reached on FB under "Copeland Edits". Our phone number is (360) 670-7854. Ready to publish that book? Let us help you get it done! Contact us today!
Mandy’s Media makes media manageable. Help with websites, social media, marketing, brand strategy and design for authors. Limited space available for new clients and projects. Contact Amanda Hagarty at mandysmedia.com
Heather Lea at HLcreatives offers writing courses and cover-to-cover editing services, including book design. Beginners to experts welcome. Please visit HLcreatives.com

Virginia Herrick is the proprietor of Kestrel's Way Editorial Services, providing a full complement of editorial services for book manuscripts, both fiction and nonfiction: Developmental editing, line editing, and copy editing for complete manuscripts. For more information, see https://yesginny.com/kestrels-way/
Copyediting, proofreading, and book formatting: I’ll make sure your online reviews focus on the quality of your writing instead of formatting, spelling, or grammatical errors.
More info: https://karineumeyer.com/editing. Contact: KariNeumeyer@gmail.com
Private Manuscript Consultations
Working on a short story? A residency application? A novel? Local author Becky Mandelbaum offers one-on-one manuscript consultations with pricing by the page. If interested, email becky.mandelbaum@gmail.com with a short description of your project. For more details visit beckymandelbaum.com/consultations.
2022 Chanticleer Authors Conference
visit www.ChantiReviews.com for information and registration
Featuring Cathy Ace - Crime and Mystery Writer - International Bestselling author who works on film production for TV.
CAC 22 features sessions on Multi-channel Marketing for Authors and Content Creation in All Its Forms:
Kickstarter for Authors
BookTok of TikTok
Podcasting - best practices
Artistic Rights - Law School by Jode Millman, atty
How to Hit the USA Today Bestseller List
Increasing Your Email List and Your Book Sales
Alphabet Soup for Authors
Audio book Creation on a Budget
Advanced Writing Craft and much more.
Discount code: $50 off the In Real Life Conference: 50WWPCAC22
Virtual Registrations available for $295.00
Master Writing Class with Jessica Morrell:
Thursday, June 23, 2022 1 - 4:30
Film Techniques for Fiction Writers -
In Person Only
Discount code 25WWPMC22 for a $25 discount
off the $100 Master Class Registration